The torture, hunger, a supernumerary kilograms can not go? Maybe help diet Horoscope! Choose the best way of eating according to your zodiac sign and lose weight without too much sacrifice.Remember the golden rule, however: no matter which god zodiac sign were never dress up line if you do not pay attention to their diet and start exercising at least occasionally!
Aries is impatient by nature, and this is true when it comes to nutrition. I do not like to prepare food in the kitchen but will seek what can be eaten immediately, with feet. They will enthusiastically throw at each new, even radical diet, but just as quickly if they want to stop, and fast results.
The ideal diet: Aries help in the long run is a combination of fast and healthy low-calorie meals. To this should be added a little relaxation. Bring fruit days, eat 3.307pounds of fruit and drink at least two liters of mineral water. If you get bored for a few days, change the menu and save the dish with rice 0.275pounds brown rice stew without salt and divide into three portions. Eat two apples in the morning, and for lunch and dinner, mix the rice with the remaining 0,220pounds cucumber salad. It is important to drink plenty of fluids: water, vegetable soups, juices mixed fruit or vegetable.
Tip: instead of swallowing food, learn to enjoy it. Before each meal to relax, close your eyes, ten deep breaths through the nose and exhale through your mouth. Only then can grab the cutlery.
Taurus worship deliberately make mistakes, fall into these sins and food. Food for them is a joy: the taste and appearance must be connected. Leave much time for eating and prefer to enjoy the food at home, in a comfortable atmosphere. Weight problems have mainly when their passion for food prevails. Their big plus is that they are very diligent and persistent. When you really want something, go to the end. This is true for weight loss. However, the Taurus are very difficult divorce from your favorite treat. They love chocolate, ice cream and cake.
The ideal diet: sweet snacks are very important for the Taurus. It is best to incorporate a diet of fruits, that will give enough sugar. Store rich salad of seasonal vegetables, and one day you can feel free to eat a juicy steak, or prepared on the grill.
Tip: Taurus should control your desire for sweets. Before eating smell green apple or peppermint oil. These scents curb the desire for sweets.
The twins were spontaneous, not like patterns, not in life nor in the menu. But why is fast food invented just for them. As for weight, most Gemini lucky, their inner restlessness encourages the exchange of substances and they are constantly burning fat. Diet are considered boring and therefore they rarely decide to Twin her.
The ideal diet: in order to tailor Gemini, the diet must be practical and versatile. We recommend dairy products, yogurt (can and fruit) and cheese. Avoid pasta. Diet you can start entering more liquid, drink two to three liters of fluid a day, for example. mineral water and vegetable soups.
Tip: try to eat always at the same place and slowly. Avoid fast-food restaurants.
Crab emotions rule: at one point were in seventh heaven, and already in the next as if they had touched the bottom of life. If the prevailing negative energy, then using food as medicine. Candy treat stress. For these individuals, weight loss is a major problem. Many of them are excellent cooks. Therefore, little crabs, make your imagination and create the perfect meal to your liking.
The ideal diet: take seven meals a day. Between main meals compulsory treat yourself to lunch, for example. a salad of seasonal vegetables which you will overflow with a little olive oil and fruit vinegar. In the salad you can mix a teaspoon of mustard, chopped garlic, and those who prefer a little more unusual flavors of the salad can be overlaid with a spoon of honey.
Tip: Crabs need to learn how to control your mood. Sport can help to get rid of negative energy. Top’ll feel if at least two times a week to go swimming or cycling.
Lions have a lot of energy. To remain in full force, and the need to eat well. Otherwise love to be the center of attention, and it is true when they eat, are big hedonists and prefer to eat in restaurants, where they will all be saved. We should learn something and cook, because it will be easier to control how much they eat and how many calories are entered.
The ideal diet: it is important to take meals at the same time. This will balance the exchange of substances, which will naturally affect the decrease in body weight. Lions do not have to forgo food energy, they need to occasionally eat a steak or a portion of pasta. Eat slowly and before each meal to drink a pint of water.
Tip: Lions are prone to increased cholesterol and therefore must take into account the intake of fat. The salad can be saved with yogurt and lemon instead of vinegar and oil, and better prepare meat on the grill.
Virgo are perfectionists. Attach great attention to a healthy diet. They recognize that their body feels and what he suffered. Avoid coffee, alcohol and sweets. Rare are the Virgo with extremely high body weight. If you suffer from excess weight, do not keep Radical child because they have problems with digestion and stomach.
The ideal diet: eat more times a day, a little bit. Breakfast Design your own, because you know best what it means to keep healthy. For lunch you can drink low-calorie fruit yogurt or eat 0,220pounds low-fat cheese with olives. It is important that you enter the foods in small amounts and enjoy every bite. To save the dinner salad tomatoes.
Tip: make sure the intake of fluids, drink at least two liters of mineral water a day. The ideal would be that you add a few cups of vegetable or fruit tea.
Libra are born tasters. At parties are always at the table. However, do not eat it all, they’re a little choosy. If you do not find what they are eating at that moment, I prefer to stay hungry. A typical problem is that Libra is difficult to decide on a diet, because they are afraid that their diet foods will be delicious. Motivation can be found in some culinary delights.
The ideal diet: Libra needs a lot of small meals in order to have something to look forward. Food must be seasoned, sometimes exotic tastes. Try something new, it will make weight loss easier, for example. Japanese sushi, which is low-calorie, or chop tofu and marinate it with soy sauce, honey and spices. Pieces of cheese leave to drain and Fry in hot oil. Serve with rice.
Tip: doing exercises motivation if you hold a child is not an attractive idea: every morning to look in the mirror and imagine how you will look good after a few days.
Scorpions prefer to go from one extreme to another. When the food comes, or overeat or starve. This is certainly not justified health. Scorpions primarily need to learn how to feed myself healthy. That they will not pose a big problem, because they have the advantage over the other signs: if you decide to lose weight, their spirit will help them to endure to the end. To satisfy their appetites, they should be allowed slightly sweet sins.
The ideal diet: while dieting drink more fluids, at least two liters a day, herbal and fruit teas. Five meals a day will satisfy your need for food. Instead of candy, drink a cocktail of bananas: Mix 0.0003pounds of skim milk and a banana. Drink tea to lose weight, which you can buy at a pharmacy.
Tip: Scorpions are prone to cellulite. Therefore, should avoid salty foods such as ham, sausages and the like. At the plate should have as much muesli, wholemeal bread, vegetables. These foods are healthy, but at the same time stimulate digestion.
Archers are very social. They prefer to eat outside the home, with friends in the city. However, if you happen to be alone in the kitchen, will prepare a moment something tasty and easy. Irregular feeding, a few meals are often more abundant than they should. They’re lucky they move around a lot, most of them are engaged in some sport, which helps burn fat. However, after every activity, they rush to the fridge.
The ideal diet: Diet menu Marksmen must include energy-rich foods. Recipes should be as simple as possible. Shooters is very important breakfast, for example. muesli without sugar, two crackers with jam and low-calorie margarine or a slice of wholemeal bread with egg.
Tip: In the circle of good friends often eat much more than they should. At the restaurant, take the meat or grilled fish and salad with low-fat dressing. You enjoy the company and keep the diet.
Capricorns prefer simplicity. They love simple and inexpensive meals. Eating does not play a special role in their lives, so few of those who have problems with overweight. However, stress and problems compensate for overeating. If this is often the result is visible in the mirror. Capricorns are very self-critical and have no self-pity.
The ideal diet: Capricorns are skeptical of diets. Using small simple meals successfully reducing consumption. Therefore, their weight loss program consists of several meals a day, with a mandatory four snacks: treats of wholemeal bread with cheese, tomatoes, basil or yoghurt.
Tip: the movement is very important for Capricorn. At bedtime, do a few exercises for the hips and legs.
There are three types of Aquarius. Adventurers from eating real competitive discipline, constantly trying out new recipes and visit the new exotic restaurants. Tasters continuously nibbled something i can not wait for lunch time. Third are stereotyped, engaged in monotonous diet and it does not bother them. All share a weakness for sweets. Aquarius also like to eat with friends.
The ideal diet: lots of small meals appropriate to their quick temper. Plan a sugary snack, for example. strawberry. Mix 0,220pounds cleaned strawberries, 0,220pounds low-fat cheese, 2 tablespoons of orange juice and pour a spoon of honey.
Tip: Let your imagination help in losing weight if you are eating cake with whipped cream, imagine what the cake just the way you eat and gradually in the imagination into a bunch of fat in a person. You will see, this scene will repel the desire for sweet snacks.
Pisces are not demanding. They’ll eat what they have at hand, which will then bring the excess weight. This is particularly evident in stressful situations or when having romantic problems.Pisces are not very disciplined, does not manage to spend the diet to the end and very easy to forget about her if, for example, invite friends over for dinner.
The ideal diet: diet with plenty of fluids is ideal for fish, at least three liters a day. Think about it and that will make you hot drinks more than enough of the cold. Drink herbal teas, water or lemonade. Just taking five meals a day. Glad you can always deceive integral snacks or flakes. To save the dinner of tomato soup.
Tip: Pisces is important to feel a sieve, because they do not tolerate hunger. A good trick is to drink fluids frequently, but you will not feel hungry.