Yes, bras make our breasts look great but at what cost? These tumors can be excruciatingly painful and are not something we want to go through at any point in our lives.
Dr. Gragory Heigh of Florida has recently discovered that well over 90% of women with fibrocystic breast disease have found improvement when they stop wearing their bras. You can even get lymph drainage damage from wearing bras too frequently, hard to avoid in a world that expects us to wear them 24/7, right?
Sport science researcher Jean-Denis Rouillon, a professor based at the University of Franche-Compte, led a team that conducted a 15-year study on the effect of bras on 330 women aged 18-35.
Findings suggested that wearing a bra from an early age did absolutely nothing to help support the chest, reduce back pain or prevent sagging breasts. Medically, physiologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra,” Professor Rouillon told France Info in an interview.
As a matter of fact, they do the opposite! Researchers say that young women would gain more muscle tone and supporting breast tissue if no bras were used. Women who stopped wearing bras during the study had a 7-millimeter lift in their nipples when compared to the regular bra users.
For younger women, not wearing a bra will lead to increased collagen production and elasticity, which improves lift in a developing breast,” said Dr. Stafford Broumand.
So it looks like you no longer need an excuse to ditch the bra, let those girls hang high! For more information watch the video below. It will blow your mind!
1991 Harvard study (CC Hsieh, D Trichopoulos (1991). Breast size, handedness and breast cancer risk. European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology 27(2):131-135.). This study found that, “Premenopausal women who do not wear bras had half the risk of breast cancer compared with bra users…”
1991-93 U.S. Bra and Breast Cancer Study by Singer and Grismaijer, published in Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras (Avery/Penguin Putnam, 1995; ISCD Press, 2005). Found that bra-free women have about the same incidence of breast cancer as men. 24/7 bra wearing increases incidence over 100 times that of a bra-free woman.
Singer and Grismaijer did a follow-up study in Fiji, published in Get It Off! (ISCD Press, 2000). Found 24 case histories of breast cancer in a culture where half the women are bra-free. The women getting breast cancer were all wearing bras. Given women with the same genetics and diet and living in the same village, the ones getting breast disease were the ones wearing bras for work.