Migraines are chronic headaches which can last from several hours to several days. People suffer different levels of migraines. Sometimes they are complemented with sickness, vomiting, extreme sensitivity to light and sounds.
Until this day the cause of a migraine is not known. Most experts conclude that migraines are hereditary. If your parents have it, your chance of having migraines are increased by more than 75%.
Most common factors:
- Hormonal changes in women – Women can get headaches during their period which lead to migraines. Some women get migraines during pregnancy or when entering menopause.
- Stress – Job stress or family problems can have a negative effect on the health which can lead to a migraine
- Medications – Migraines can be caused by some types of medication. If you get migraines after taking medication consult your physician.
- Food – Some headaches are caused by certain foods. Alcohol, chocolate and caffeine can be the cause of migraines as well
- Sleeping – Migraines are affected by not getting enough sleep or too much of it
- A strong headache which is present in both sides of the head
- Pulsing headache
- Vomiting
- A pain that gets worse with the help of a physical activity during the day
- Extreme sensitivity to light and sound
What can you do about it?
- RELAX! – Find something that relaxes you and do it for at least an hour every day. Yoga and meditation can help.
- If you got a migraine, rest – Do this in a dark and quiet room of you can. You can try and gently massage the places where you feel the pain.
- Get a good night sleep – Make sure you get enough sleep. An average person needs between 6-8 hours of sleep.
- Manage your food intake – Don’t skip meals under any circumstances. If you can, avoid alcohol and caffeine.