

Mold is a very common problem and the presence of mold in your home could be causing a lot of your health problems. Therefore, you need to learn the main symptoms of mold disease and be able to recognize them and address the problem adequately.

Mold Disease
Unfortunately, conventional medicine doesn’t consider mold a problem, so it has no proper treatment for it. Moreover, most of the symptoms of mold diseases are very similar to symptoms of other diseases.

The Symptoms
Memory problems and brain fog
Light sensitivity and blurry vision
Red eyes
Shortness of breath
Static shocks
Weight gain
Muscle cramps and pain in the joints
Numbness and a tingling sensation
Diarrhea and abdominal ache
Excessive thirst
Increased urination
Metallic taste in the mouth
What Is Mold?
For more than 3 decades, scientists have studied the dangerous effects of mold and it has been found that mold is a combination of several types of fungi which grow in filaments and reproduce by the creation of small spores that sprout and fly away and we cannot spot them with our naked eye.

Mold thrives in damp, warm, and humid areas as well as areas with poor ventilation, flooded areas, and places with water leakage. It’s very common in Nevada and Arizona. Mold can appear in the bathroom, showerhead, furniture, books, pets, shoes, papers, and carpets. Moreover, it can also circulate in the air system so experts advise changing the HVAC filter every 3 months.

When a building has been damaged by a flood, the level of contaminants reputable online pharmacy reviews present in the air and dust increases and they form a toxic chemical mixture and toxic ingredients known as mycotoxins that remain on spores and fragments of mold released in the air.

To make matters worse, half of the buildings we live in are water-damaged in this or that way and since we all spend a lot of time indoors, whether it’s in our home or office, we need to learn how to lower the presence of mold.

Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
According to Ritchie Shoemaker, author of 8 books on mold defined CIRS as an acute and chronic systematic inflammatory response acquired after exposure to a water-damaged building with resident toxigenic organisms, including fungi, bacteria, etc. Unfortunately, as Shoemaker asserts, 24% of people are unable to produce antibody responses and they make up the 95% of people who have an illness related to water-damaged buildings.

This means that there are people who are more prone to mold and their bodies cannot recognize certain toxins as toxins, such as mold, and they recirculate in the body and lead to a persistent inflammatory response.

How Is CIRS Diagnosed
Abnormalities detected through VCS tests
Genetic predisposition
History, symptoms, and signs of biotoxin exposure
Biomarkers consistent with the abnormalities specific to CIRS
How to Get Rid of Mold
Test the presence of mold by hiring an environmental professional or through an ERMI test. If the test is positive, you should consult a clinician trained in the Shoemaker Protocol.

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Written by Rachel Wilson

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